Some of our classes are offered with the option of attending either in person or online via Zoom. Your choice will apply for the duration of the session.
If you register for online classes, you will receive a follow-up e-mail with the instructions for connecting via Zoom.
Mindfulness meditation teaches us how to find peace of mind and ease of being amidst the stresses and challenges of everyday life. Mindfulness practice cultivates the ability to be present and aware, and to live life from a place of clear and wise intention. As we learn to relate to our present moment experience through awareness and clear intention, the world begins to open up for us in a new way.
This 16-week session will include teaching, guided meditation instruction and support with practice. The focus will be on The Four Foundations of Mindfulness, cultivating a relaxed awareness of the mind/body process, providing conditions that support the realization through direct experience of the wisdom and freedom of letting go of grasping at our experience.
This course is suitable for anyone who has completed the 8-week Introduction to Meditation course, or has experience with mindfulness practice, and would like to deepen their understanding and practice.
This 8-week course, based on the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program, provides a solid grounding in the basic skills of mindfulness meditation, helping to reduce stress, quiet the mind and develop the ability to be present and at ease with life as it unfolds in each moment of experience. The course includes instruction and support with establishing a stable meditation practice, and cultivating mindfulness in everyday life.
A one-day retreat, to help integrate the teachings and the practice, will be held on Saturday, November 2 from 9 am to 2:30 pm.
Regular weekly attendance during the course is important. Weekly instruction, and practicing within a group of meditators provides support for learning meditation and developing a practice. Please consider your schedule and ability to commit to the 8 weeks before registering for the course.
The course instructor will contact you prior to the course start date to welcome you and discuss any questions.
The natural cycle of life includes impermanence, change, growth and decay. As human beings, we are participants in this natural cycle, yet we live in varying degrees of awareness to this truth. Understanding the truth of impermanence opens us to a new relationship with life, allowing us to participate in each moment of our lives more fully, freeing ourselves from the patterns of reactivity that cause suffering... awakening to the mystery and the wonder of 'being'.
In this 16-week session, we will engage with guided meditation practices, contemplations and awareness exercises to explore the preciousness of human life and the teachings on impermanence.
This course is suitable for anyone with a solid foundation in meditation practice and Dharma teachings, and with permission of the teacher.
Two days of mindfulness will be offered this session, on September 22 and on October 27.
Please email to register. Registration is limited to 15 people.
Additional information will be sent out prior to the day.
Program fees help to support the operating costs of the Centre.
In keeping with the Buddhist tradition, the teachings are given freely. Meditation instructors and Dharma teachers are paid by Dana (voluntary giving/donation).
Teacher dana may be offered by e-transfer to
For those facing financial challenges, arrangements can be made to reduce or waive course fees.
Everyone is welcome to attend, regardless of ability to pay.