Waterloo Riverview
Dharma Centre

A place to begin,
or deepen,
meditation practice.
"Our mind as well as our body needs to rest. During our sitting meditation we allow ourselves mind and body... to sink naturally, without effort, to the position of resting."
—Thich Nhat Hanh
Waterloo Riverview Dharma Centre was founded in 1999 as a not-for-profit, non-sectarian centre for meditative practice in the Buddhist tradition.

WRDC offers weekly meditation groups, beginner's courses, days of mindfulness, retreats, evening sittings, visiting Dharma teachers, and a resource library.
The Purpose of the Centre is to provide instruction and support for individuals to develop a practice of meditation and have access to the Buddhist teachings; to help individuals to integrate the skills of mindfulness, wisdom and compassion in everyday life; to practice helping, healing and generosity, in supporting both local and international humanitarian projects.
The Guiding Principles of the Centre are to respect the origins and traditions of the Dharma (Buddhist teachings), and to strive to be a living model of the Dharma.

Our Dharma Teachers & Meditation Instructors